To load the external form to edit this form, invoke the Edit Form button, which by using 要加载外部表单来编辑该表单,可以单击EditForm按钮,它使用
If a dialog is presented stating there are data preservation errors, choose the Data Options button, and change the import option to LOAD. 如果出现对话框提示数据表现错误,那么要选择DataOptions按钮,然后将导入选项修改为LOAD。
If the MyTwitterServlet can load the user's cookie after he or she clicks the sign-in button, this user will be treated as a returned user. 如果在用户单击了登录按钮后,MyTwitterServlet可以加载用户的cookie,则该用户将被视为返回的用户。
To analyze the load time and the HTTP requests made by your application, click the Resources button at the top of the Inspector window. 要分析应用程序的加载时间和HTTP请求,单击Inspector窗口顶部的Resources按钮。
After you load the page, you can click the connect button to connect the controls. 加载页后,可以单击“连接”按钮连接控件。
If you want to load them, click the load images button in the junk mail banner that appears above the body of the message. 如果您要载入,可以点按出现在邮件正文上方的“垃圾邮件”横幅中的“载入图像”按钮。
With a load test open in the load test editor, click the run button on the toolbar. 在负载测试编辑器中打开一个负载测试后,单击工具栏上的“运行”按钮。
Before the main source is turned on, the Load Button for the power amplifier must be set OFF. 在主电源打开前,功率放大器负载按钮必须为关。
Load the removable dish with ice cream, push the button and the ice cream turns while you enjoy one of the world's most popular treats. 在可抽取的容器内放入冰淇淋,按下按钮,冰淇淋就会旋转起来,你就可以享受世界流行的美味了。
Analyzing sintering process of diamond enhanced carbide tungsten composite button and load of super-hard composite button during the process of drilling, this paper points out the shortcomings of normal sintering mould structure, then designs reasonable mould structure. 通过分析金刚石&硬质合金柱齿烧结过程,以及超硬复合柱齿在钻进过程中的受载荷情况,指出常规模具结构的不合理性,进而对超硬复合体烧结模具结构进行合理化设计。